How to suppress your appetite without pills

Excessive Cravings and uncontrollable appetite is the sole reason people are over weight...Once you will be able to control your appetite, your journey to healthier you has already started. You will find below some of the techniques to use naturally to suppress cravings.

Natural ways to suppress your appetite

1) Eat Appetite Suppressing Foods

Appetite-suppressing foods stay full for longer so that you resist the urge to snack too much or eat too much at your next meal. For example, an apple is soluble fiber known as pectin, can keep you full for one to two hours. Eat it before or after a meal to help fill you up or use it to keep your blood sugar balanced in between meals.

The fiber in wheat bran can also keep you satiated; Daniluk recommended to drink a large glass of water and eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of bran. Bran will absorb the water and physically expand in the stomach, helps you feel full. But drink plenty of extra water, or you may experience cramps or constipation.

2) Sip Green Tea and Water

Keep liquids come either in the form of water or green tea, to suppress your appetite. It is easy to mistake thirst for hunger, so down a glass of water, before indulging in a mid-afternoon snack. Drinking water before a meal can also help fill you up so you do not eat as much at the table. In addition, green tea contains a phytonutrient called EGCG, which increases the hormone cholecystokinin, and that the hormone helps create a satiated feeling.

3) Hit the Gym

A bout of high-intensity exercise can help suppress your appetite, according to a study published in 2014, researchers found that study participants who completed the grueling interval training "The International Journal of Obesity." - Compared to the rest or the performance of low-intensity exercise - ate less both immediately after exercise, and during the next 24 hours. To reduce your overall caloric intake, plan some time for high intensity interval training. Sprint for 60 to 90 seconds and then jog or walk for 60 seconds and repeat. You can also mimic this activity on an exercise bike by pedaling as hard as possible for 60 to 90 seconds, and then pull back in the intensity recover for 60 seconds.

4)Breathe Deeply

You can find your hunger increasing in times of stress, because it causes the production of cortisol and creates a resistance to leptin, the hormone that helps you feel full. To combat this stress and related hunger, take a minute to slow down and breathe deeply. Exhale fully as you count to five, let your shoulders relax and release tension. Count to five again to inhale, filling your lungs completely. Hold for four counts and exhale, repeating the process for five minutes a few times a day.