Tips on how to grow your hair naturally

Have you been trying to grow long hair, but it does not seem to be working? Well relax because these tips will make your hair grow faster, longer and thicker. The one thing crazier than the others, but hey, a little experiment has ever gotten shorter hair ..

How to grow a longer hair

Brush your scalp instead of your points
So there will be more oil rather you feed her naturally and you damage it more than necessary. This gives her the opportunity to accelerate from inside the hair growth process. Above do use a soft brush, preferably one made of natural hair.

Minimise the amount of hair products you use
Using too many products is not good, but too little less. Regularly apply a nourishing oil or restorative serum can do wonders on your dots. Because healthy hair shinier, has a smoother and smoother and therefore seems longer than opkroesend her.

Do not expose your hair to heat
Use a protective product for you comes in the sun or you can use hot styling device. All these products provide your tresses with a protective layer, leaving your hair is stronger and will eventually grow faster.

Get a head massage
A massage spider can help you. Allows you promote blood circulation and oxygen supply causing new hair will grow faster. A better idea is to let your massage, as you become totally zen, which is not insignificant. Stress is indeed deadly to the hair growth and a significant factor in hair loss.

Consider using extensions
They are not only a good way to make your hair in a jiffy optically longer, it also ensures that your hair has time to grow and not too much exposed to friction. Opt for a good hairdresser to place extensions because bad you can only hurt her more. Fake it, do not break it.

Have adequate vitamins
Vitamins B, D, and proteins are very important for hair growth. Adjust your diet and make use of supplements. On the menu: oily fish, eggs, soy, avocado and bananas.

Make use of Natural products
There are a lot of products created specifically to promote hair growth, but to keep the budget friendly, you can of course itself a little experiment. We recommend lavender oil, rosemary, egg and yeast, but some sources swear by garlic and onions for long locks. The suspicion was that it firm depends to take you there at.