Home remedies for blisters may include the use or application of apple cider vinegar, castor oil, antibacterial ointment, pads, hot water, Vaseline or petroleum jelly, aloe vera gel and Epsom salt.
These home remedies are very simple to use and to help make you more comfortable if you're on foot or hand blisters. There is no difference between the blisters you get on your hands and feet. They seem to be small with a cooking fluid within as a result of the intermediate space between the inner skin layer and the outer skin layer.
Blisters are like little boils that can be displayed on any part of your body, especially the hands, feet and even your face. They contain a liquid-like substance that is often mistaken as water. The possible causes of blisters include more than stress on your body, sweating, wearing new shoes, and constant friction during physical activity.
Blisters can be divided into three different groups:
- Fever, rash, usually on the face.
- Blood blisters, which usually accidental. Let us say for example, is your top layer of the skin, or hidden in an object inadvertently pinched by which the top layer lifts and creates a gap.
- Friction blisters, which may be caused by heat, outside or working in water without gloves.
Foot blister Treating blisters is an important part of hygiene feet, according to the FDA. Foot blisters are common symptoms of HFMD, according to the CDC. Certain home remedies, if followed properly, can help heal blisters within a day or two. They are proven solutions and can be very helpful.
Home Remedies for Foot Blisters
- Castor Oil: This is one of the simplest forms of home remedies available to treat foot blisters. Just smear some castor oil on the affected part of the blister and leave it overnight. In the morning, you'll notice that the blister has dried completely. However, make sure not to peel off the top layer of the skin, leave it to detach naturally, or blister can reform.
- Hot water: Soak your feet in lukewarm water once a day at any time, for about 15 minutes. This will help the upper layer on the blister become too soft, which makes the removal of the liquid in the blister and help to cure it faster.
- Antibiotic Ointment: Apply any antibiotic ointment on the blister; it will help to cure the blister to a great extent. One can also make use of the antibiotic ointment in lukewarm water and soak your feet in the water for about 15-20 minutes. This will also help heal blisters.
- Pads: Padding the blister will also help to a certain extent. One can make use of cotton while padding, the blister allows exposed, while the surrounding components must be padded in a donut shape. This will help prevent bacteria from infecting the blister once it's broken. This solution is very helpful if this blisters on the bottom of your feet.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can be very effective and easy to use. Take the pasta of a broken onion, mix to apply a spoon in the apple cider vinegar, and the mixture on the blisters. This will help the blister to dry quickly.
- Gel or Vaseline: Vaseline or petroleum jelly can also help heal blisters. Apply it to the blister before bedtime to see a significant improvement in the morning.
- Salt water: You can also use this remedy because it has proven to be very useful, especially for burn blisters. Add some salt to the ice-cold water, soak a clean cloth in this water and rest the cloth on the blister. It will compress the blister and heal.
- Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is considered very effective and has been used to since ancient times. Bring Aloe Vera gel to the blister, and to reduce the pain, and will help in the drying of the skin.